Save The Ozone
The Ozone Layer acts as a shield for us from very harmful UV rays. If we
damage the Ozone Layer any more than we would put
ourselves at an increasingly greater
risk. Without the Ozone Layer we wouldn't be able to survive.
Exposure to UV rays causes
skin cancer, damages crops, and
harms ocean life. Without the Ozone Layer the risk of these things
would greatly increase.
An example of this is in Australia,
where a large amount of ozone has depleted. Around 97% of the citizens
have or have had
skin cancer problems due to the
exposure to harmful UV rays that leak through the Ozone layer. Another
risk is polar shifting,
a complex event that occurs when
uneven melting of ice shelfs occur. A major hole is now over Antarctica,
where there are
ice shelfs. If these Ice shelfs
melt, it could increase coastal flooding and the poles could shift,
causing a violent shift
in climate.